Episode 47

Birthday Milestones and Encore Intentions | LAYC47

Who knew?

Not Me?

Three years – how is it possible this much could change?

Three birthdays – how is it possible I could change this much?

It’s been said that most people underestimate what they can accomplish in one year, and yet, they underestimated how much they can do in a decade.

I have also heard a version of that statement that affirms we usually underestimate what we can do in just three years.

History will record 2020, 2021, 2022 as the years of a Global Pandemic caused by a sneaky, shape-shifting virus nicknamed Corona.

My history: or my #HERstory, as I like to say, will reflect diverse, significant, unanticipated, and challenging changes in my life during those three years.

On the eve of my sixty-eighth birthday, I reflect on my evolution, growth, and changes during a very short period of my encore life.

2019 - I kicked off my 65th year with publishing a popular non-fiction work for women, Who Am I Now – Feminine Wisdom Unmasked Uncensored   >>> LINK

2020 – I took my business coaching and personal transformation business online and around the world The Encore Catalyst and collaborated to create multiple online courses.

2021 – I started the Lift As You Climb Podcast, assumed leadership of Renegades Reinventing Facebook Group for professional women reinventing retirement on their own terms, moved to Canada, and filed for divorce.

2022 – I joined the burgeoning ranks of Gray Divorce, expanded my reach with more coaching and online knowledge programs, including Gray Divorce, No Remorse and the Gray Divorce Podcast (available Q3 -2022)

2023 – Plans are in motion already for an Audio Book and companion workbook. On my Vision Board are intentions for a TED Talk or TED X, and global speaking engagements to inspire others to Live Their Legacy!

I only plan to retire from the things I no longer wish to do and do more of the things I want to do. I hope to never stop learning, evolving, transforming and reinventing. 

I love my ENCORE life and I am grateful for every birthday!


Curious about how and who influences our identities? 

Listen Episode 11, the origin story:


The Transformation Decoded video mentioned in this episode can be found here:


Buy my book here: www.WhoAmINowBook.com


If you are ready to take the next steps in your transformation and reinvention journey, one of my fabulous free resources awaits you at: www.MYENCORE.ME  Register for my free download tool that will help you tally up of your accumulated lifetime value.

About the Host:

Isabel Alexander – Vitality Champion, Business

Strategist, and Transformation Catalyst

Dynamic, a self-made entrepreneur who overcame obstacles with an unrelenting positive nature, a farm girl work ethic, and a conscious choice to thrive rather than survive, Isabel Alexander cultivated an award-winning, $10 million+ global chemical business and grew it from dining room table to international boardrooms.

Isabel’s strengths include the ability to initiate and nurture strategic relationships, a love of lifelong learning, and talents for helping others maximize their potential. 

An inspiring speaker within both industry and community, she is a driving force behind those with the courage to foll0ow her example of thriving against the odds.

With 50+ years of business experience across diverse industries, Isabel is respected as an advisor, a coach, a mentor, and a role model. She believes in sharing collective wisdom and empowering others to economic independence.

Chief Encore Officer, The Encore Catalyst (www.theencorecatalyst.com) – an accelerator for feminine wisdom, influence, and impact.

Founder of the Lift As You Climb Movement (www.facebook.com/groups/liftasyouclimbmovement)

Author & Speaker ‘Who Am I Now? – Feminine Wisdom Unmasked Uncensored’ (www.IsabelBanerjee.com)

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/isabelalexanderbanerjee/

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All right, everyone out there.


I'm gonna ask for lots of cheering, lots of clapping, lots of woohoos!


To help me celebrate yet another birthday.


By the time you hear this episode, I will be 68 years young, and so


excited for the next stage of my life for more lifting, more climbing,


more growing, more evolving, more transforming, more reinventing.


More of the best life for me!


I'm very happy to share this with you today because I know that there are so


many of you on this same trajectory as I am recognizing that every birthday is


an opportunity to take stock, to assess just how marvelous that we are, how much


we have learned, the tacit knowledge we've accumulated in our lifetime.


The experiences, the opportunities.


Tony Robbins said it.


Bill Gates said it.


Many other famous speakers have said...


That it is true that we usually overestimate how much we can accomplish


in one year, but we probably underestimate how much we will accomplish in a decade.


Now, I'm not gonna go back a whole decade here, rewind that with you, but I do


wanna talk about the milestone and the events that have taken place in the past


three years, and what's coming up next.


My 65th birthday...


That was the milestone that I celebrated publishing my first book, Who am I Now?


Feminine Wisdom, Unmasked and Uncensored, being registered in the Library of


Congress and being on the shelves in the library in my community, and on


Amazon and on Kindle, and that was a story of everything I had learned


in my life up to that point, and it was further supported and enriched by


an anthology collection of 20 other women sharing their feminine wisdom.


That book continues to sell today, and it continues to Lift others as


they Climb through that evolutionary process of figuring out...


Who are we today?


Who are we?


And who are we NOT any longer.


My 66th birthday also revealed a lot more opportunity to evolve and grow.


That was the year that I learned how to be part of the knowledge industry


and create my own online courses and to coach more people around the world


by doing so utilizing technology.


66 was also the year that I became familiar with pandemics again, and you


know, along with the rest of you lived life a little differently while we were


under social isolation restrictions.


But that was the time that I used to, to learn more, to educate myself and


try some new things, including, it was the year that I launched a YouTube


channel with my mastermind partners, and we did a series of incredible


conversations, sharing our wisdom, our experience very candidly, sometimes very.


Surprisingly and other times quite humorously.


And in celebration of that today I'm gonna include a link in the


show notes about a specific episode that we did back in 2020 that talked


about aging, stages and birthdays.


Along with my two mastermind partners, one of us were in three different decades.


We celebrated a 40, a 50th, and a 60th, and then we also celebrated


how to live in our birthday suits.


So if you are curious about that, I will post a link so that you


can watch the YouTube video.


67 was an even more momentous year.


In my 67th year on the planet, I became a podcaster.


Which is why you're hearing me today.


I launched the Lift As You Climb podcast along with the


Lift, As You Climb Movement.


If you haven't yet joined us in the Facebook group, the Lift as you Climb


Movement, I encourage you to do so.


There are some very cool people lifting and climbing in that group.


67 also marked a very big transition period in my life, where I moved


from one country to another.


You'll find out more details about that in, um, the episode


earlier in this podcast...


Irreconcilable Change, and I'll put the link to that in the show notes as well.


I began the journey of divorce.


It was also the year that I took the baton and stepped up to more active


role and to be the Chief Cheerleading Officer, as I'm fond to say, of a


spectacular Facebook group, almost 5,000 women reinventing retirement on their


own terms, called Renegades Reinventing.


And if you think that description applies to you, I encourage you to check us out.


Again, details will be in the show notes so you can find it easily.


And here we are now, beginning my 68th year, I have a lot planned for this year.


I am hard at work now expanding my reach and expanding the value that I add in


the world by adding more online coaching programs, more one-on-one coaching,


and more group coaching programs.


It's also, and you may be among the very first to hear this, the year that I


will launch my second podcast, the Gray Divorce Podcast.., Where I'll talk about


my own experiences, but also involve other people and bring in experts to help


us figure out how to Gray Divorce with No Remorse and to continue our Encore


to the next and best parts of our lives, stages of our lives, after divorce.


In this coming year, I also plan to create an audio version of my book...


Who Am I Now?


Feminine Wisdom, Unmasked and Uncensored, and a workbook to go along with it.


For those of you who like the tactile, the audio, and the visual learning,


it'll be there for everybody.


So thank you!


Thank you for being here with me through these years of growth and


stages, and to be party to and encouragement for my Encores, my


Transformations, and my Reinventions.


Happy Birthday!

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Seasoned Women Serious Business
Seasoned Women Serious Business
Wise Enough to Want More

About your host

Profile picture for Isabel Alexander

Isabel Alexander

Dynamic, self-made entrepreneur who overcame obstacles with an unrelenting positive nature, a farm girl work ethic and a conscious choice to thrive rather than survive, Isabel Alexander Banerjee cultivated an award winning, $10 million+ global chemical wholesale business and grew it from dining room table to international boardrooms.

Isabel’s strengths include the ability to initiate & nurture strategic relationships, a love of lifelong learning and talents for helping others maximize their potential. An inspiring speaker within both industry and community, she is a driving force behind those with the courage to follow her example of thriving against the odds.

With 50+ years of business experience across diverse industries, Isabel is respected as an advisor, a coach, a mentor and a role model. She believes in sharing collective wisdom and empowering others to economic independence.

Isabel Alexander
Your Next Business Strategist and Transformation Catalyst