Episode 56

Create a Powerful Personal Mantra | LAYC56

A mantra, word, phrase, or hashtag for your vision board and or growth stage of your life, is very powerful reminder of your intention of how you want to feel and what your desired outcome is.

Each time I start a new Visual Encore Plan, I choose a word or phrase as an anchor to the vision I am creating for my future, and outcome I desire.

Sometimes, I have to work a little harder to choose the perfect mantra. This time the words TUNE IN kept showing up with such strong vibration, I knew this was meant for me now.

As Esther Hicks and Abraham say, I intend to be TUNED IN, TAPPED IN, and TURNED ON!

Listen to this episode to learn more about the power of choosing your verb and take action to live your legacy.

If part of your visualization, includes living or working in another country, you will find some very helpful information in a blog series at The Encore Catalyst about EXPAT living and especially about Dubai and the Middle East region.

About the Host:


Isabel Alexander

Your Next Business Strategist and Transformation Catalyst

 Isabel Alexander's journey from modest beginnings to global recognition epitomizes entrepreneurial resilience and innovation. With over five decades of experience spanning diverse industries, she has become a driving force in shaping economic landscapes worldwide. Noteworthy accomplishments include founding a multimillion-dollar global chemical wholesale business and earning accolades such as Canada's Top 100 Most Powerful Women.

As a mentor and advocate, Isabel empowers women entrepreneurs through initiatives like the Lift As You Climb Movement and podcasts, guiding them from startup to maturity. Serving as Chief Encore Officer of The Encore Catalyst, she dedicates herself to coaching and educating emerging entrepreneurs. Her involvement in organizations like RenegadesReinventing.com and Femme on Fire underscores her commitment to leadership and business development.

Additionally, Isabel's advisory roles with government bodies and trade associations, such as Chair of the Canadian Association of Importers & Exporters, highlight her influence in shaping trade policies and fostering international relations.

Driven by her mantra, "Lift As You Climb," Isabel embodies the ethos of mutual growth and empowerment. With dual citizenship in Canada and the United States, she values her extensive family and embraces global connections through travel and professional engagements. Isabel Alexander's narrative serves as a beacon of inspiration, illustrating how visionary leadership and strategic advising can drive global entrepreneurship and economic independence forward.


The Encore Catalyst Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/TheEncoreCatalyst )


Chief Encore Officer, The Encore Catalyst (www.theencorecatalyst.com) – an accelerator for feminine wisdom, influence, and impact.


Author & Speaker ‘Who Am I Now? – Feminine Wisdom Unmasked Uncensored’ https://whoaminowbook.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/isabelannalexander/


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Today, not only am I your reinvention tour guide,


but I'm also putting on the cap as your travel tour guide.


Yes, I am traveling and I'm excited to share part of my trip with you.


I am recording this podcast from Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


I am fulfilling one of my bucket list on my vision board.


Absolute joy traveling again after not traveling for a while, but also to be


visiting my daughter and my grand puppy.


You may know, if you've read the blogs...


That my daughter is an expat, who has lived and worked in the Middle


East, for most of the last 12 years.


In fact, during COVID, we did an interview series...


3 episodes...


About expat living.


So if you are interested in knowing a little more about


this part of the world...


What the experience is like, or...


Perhaps you are considering as part of your vision for your future, your


Encore plan, living and working in a different part of the world...


Then check in at TheEncoreCatalyst.com Blog, and


read more about that opportunity.


I considered an opportunity to travel and visit and live


in other parts of the world.


It really feeds my soul, my need as a lifelong learner...


To get to know more about other people, other cultures,


other foods, other languages...


Just other environments...


Because it makes me richer, my life experience richer.


Diversity is just such a delicious word to me.


The diversity of my own experience and the encounters.


The opportunity to make new connections, new friends around the


world is a very important aspect of Lift As You Climb, and my vision for


the Lift As You Climb Foundation.


That is my overarching goal in my life.


My raison d'être...


The legacy piece that I live for...


Live to...


Live my legacy, and to be present to experience it, and influence it.


So today...


Reporting from Dubai in the United Arab Emirates...


This has been a great trip so far.


I've been about two weeks here.


Had the opportunity to be here to celebrate their National Day.


For those of you who don't know...


There are 7 Emirates that joined together 51 years ago...


To create the United Arab Emirates...


To Lift each other, as they climbed into more economic stability, and


really becoming a presence...


A force on the global stage for development and economic impact.


Yes, everything in Dubai is...












But also, there is this amazing opportunity to experience traditional


cultures and foods and at the same time meet people from all around the world.


It's a very vibrant, global population here.


Strong expat community.


The tourism industry is alive and well...


So if it's on your bucket list to travel to this part of the world...


I encourage you to do so sooner and often.


Now you know that traveling is on my vision board, and is very


much a part of my planning...


My Encore planning.


So therefore, I use my own resources...


The Visual Encore Plan.


My guided, intensive program where I take myself, and my client, and


my friends and family through this process of really thinking about why


you want to do something in your life.


What it looks like.


How you are going to show up.


What do you want the outcome and the experiences to be.


From that visual representation, Not just a vision board with


just cutting out pictures.


It's an exercise, very thoughtful and purposeful assessment.


Where you're tuning into really what's important to you now.


Not who you used to be, but who you are now, and who you want to become next.


Speaking of tuning in...


One of the modules in the program is called verb...


and that's the section where I talk about the value and the purpose of having


a theme word or phrase, or a mantra, that signifies or encapsulates the


theme of that particular vision board.


I also believe that vision boards are in my vernacular, Visual Encore Plans...


Are not something that you just do once a year...


Like a New Year's resolution.


They are done at times of transformation...


When you're moving from one stage of your life to another, or you wish to.


If you are thinking that where you are now, is not where you should stay...


Then creating that visual representation will help you get there with much


more certainty and much more joy.


That's why I call it an Encore Plan, because there is a whole


methodology about that creation.


So Verb...


Each time I create a new Visual Encore Plan.


I choose a word or a phrase, that is my frequent reminder...


That voice in my head to stay focused on...


To keep my vision vivid and visible.


Sometimes I just need to have a reminder of an auditory or a written fashion.


Some years I have worked more at figuring out what the right word is.


The perfect word that goes with the plan.


But this year, it was given to me.


The universe provided loud and clear, the message that my verb for this term is:


Tune In or Tuned In.


There were many ways that showed up and appeared in my life to say...




Very important for you right now, Isabel...


To Tune In.


In many areas and in many ways, tuning in, as in being present, as one of

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

To be Tuned In, Tapped In, and Turned On.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Tuning into my frequency, tuning into being present and aware.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Appreciative of how I'm feeling, listening to my body, listening to

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

the messages that my gut in my heart and mind are saying that they're,

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

they're like the tuning fork as to,

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Does this feel good?

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Is this right for me?

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Or is this triggering a, a negative feeling, a negative vibration?

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

I need to be tuned into those senses and messages

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

. You really have to be

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Because if you are feeling negative and you are doing much thinking about that...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Focusing on what you do not want...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Then that is what you are attracting,

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

But knowing what you don't want and then focusing your thoughts

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

on the opposite of that...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Instead of...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

I choose this.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Being tuned into those days where we all have it.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Negative conditions may prevail and tempt us to go down that rabbit hole.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Tuning in keeps me looking forward, looking positive, and

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

being aware of what I don't want.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

What I don't like...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

What is no longer serving me.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

And that includes " Who" as well...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:


y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

No longer is best for me?

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Who I have outgrown?

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:


y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Who's intentions are not in alignment?

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Who's values are not in alignment with mine?

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

If you think as a baby boomer we were exposed to the dial

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

on radios and televisions...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Sometimes there was some finagling or fiddling that had to be done to

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

tune into the best signal that was being transmitted through our set.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

I feel that's what I'm doing myself now by tuning in.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

I am moving my dial a little bit, to get the most clarity about what I want.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Hearing very clearly what are the steps...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

The actions...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

The habits...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

The behaviors that support the result, support the program

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

that I am writing for myself.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

If our car isn't running at optimum levels, we have it tuned up so that it's

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

more efficient, and we can go places.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

That's what's anchoring for me with my Visual Encore Plan, I am

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

tuning up a lot of areas in my life.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Physical, Emotional, Financial, Relationship, Spiritual, Intellectual.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

These are all the areas I'm looking at to say...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

What needs to be refined, tuned in, dialed in...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

So that I am in the most optimal place to go on,

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

and really fulfill all of the plans that I have for my life and my legacy,

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

and enjoy it all along the way.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Now you don't have to fly 8,000 miles, to figure that all out yourself.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

You could take a look at the Visual Encore Plan and see if that process,

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

that methodology, resonates with you and helps you to come up with the

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

right theme, the right word for you.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

For your next Encore stage.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

And if you do...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

If you come up with that word, when you do...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

I would love if you share it with me, and I can share it

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

with the rest of our audience...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Because it's always inspiring to me to hear what other people discover...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

About what's the trigger word, or the anchor word, or phrase, that

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

represents the vision that they have.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

For the next and best stage of their lives.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

If I can help you in any way with your plan for the next stage of your life...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Your Encore...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Please do reach out to me at Hello@TheEncoreCatalyst.com

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

All right, for now, I'm going to sign off...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

And get back to being present, tuned in, and enjoying every moment I have

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

here in Dubai with my daughter...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Fulfilling the vision board, and the plan...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

That began all of this for me.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

In the meantime, I really hope that you are thinking about the vision that you

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

want to fulfill for your life, and get started on creating that representation.

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

So that you live it...

y heroes, Abraham Hicks, says:

Live your legacy, and Lift As You Climb!

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Seasoned Women Serious Business
Seasoned Women Serious Business
Wise Enough to Want More

About your host

Profile picture for Isabel Alexander

Isabel Alexander

Dynamic, self-made entrepreneur who overcame obstacles with an unrelenting positive nature, a farm girl work ethic and a conscious choice to thrive rather than survive, Isabel Alexander Banerjee cultivated an award winning, $10 million+ global chemical wholesale business and grew it from dining room table to international boardrooms.

Isabel’s strengths include the ability to initiate & nurture strategic relationships, a love of lifelong learning and talents for helping others maximize their potential. An inspiring speaker within both industry and community, she is a driving force behind those with the courage to follow her example of thriving against the odds.

With 50+ years of business experience across diverse industries, Isabel is respected as an advisor, a coach, a mentor and a role model. She believes in sharing collective wisdom and empowering others to economic independence.

Isabel Alexander
Your Next Business Strategist and Transformation Catalyst