Episode 59

Season 3 - How To Create Impact From Your Passion | LAYC59

How to create impact from your passion

I didn’t coin the expression Lift As You Climb but it has become the cornerstone of my thinking and how I want to show up in the world.

I believe what Robert Ingersoll said, “We Rise By Lifting Others” and this is a passion that resonates deeply.

I am so passionate about this value pillar that I was drawn to make it my purpose and share it with as many others as I could.

I dream of building a foundation that empowers young women to build their own success ladders and to reach back and lift others.

I long to give a hand up and pay forward the positive impact I received as a disenfranchised girl.

Big Hairy Audacious Goal – my BHAG – the Lift As You Climb Foundation – with footprints and alumni around the globe!

But how do I do this?

As I have done so often in my life, I looked for others that were already doing what I needed to know and I could learn from them.

Welcome to Season Three and a wonderful opportunity to learn along with me on how to create impact from our passions!

Figuring out how to translate a passion into a meaningful purpose is not often easy. I know I am not alone in my struggle to create sustainable or significant impact from an idea or life experience that we want to share to help others.

Do you have a spark of an IDEA?

Do you have a smoldering PASSION?

Do you feel a burning desire that could be your PURPOSE?

Do you need some inspiration and encouragement to FAN YOUR FLAME and get started on making a lasting difference, making sure your life mattered and impacted others positively?

Don’t let your passion cool off because you don’t know the five steps to keeping that glow alive, and live your legacy while you are able to experience it, influence it, and increase the impact that ONLY YOU can have.

Gather around our campfire in Season Three of this podcast and you’ll feel the warmth and gather the fuel to:

Be clear about your WHY, the WHO you need on your journey, WHERE you bring your vision to life, WHEN is the right time to start, scale, and step up, and HOW to plan for success.

My guests will share authentic experience and advice on topics as diverse as Service Projects and Clubs, Giving Circles, Not-For-Profits, Charities, Movements, Foundations, Endowments, Scholarships and always, and forever – Lift As You Climb.

My gratitude is boundless for our guests, and we span the globe with local, regional, national, international and global inspirations for you.

SUBSCRIBE to Season Three so you don’t miss these inspiring interviews and ignite your spark!

And while you ponder, enjoy this theme music:

What’s It All About Alfie by Dionne Warwick







About the Host:


Isabel Alexander

Your Next Business Strategist and Transformation Catalyst

 Isabel Alexander's journey from modest beginnings to global recognition epitomizes entrepreneurial resilience and innovation. With over five decades of experience spanning diverse industries, she has become a driving force in shaping economic landscapes worldwide. Noteworthy accomplishments include founding a multimillion-dollar global chemical wholesale business and earning accolades such as Canada's Top 100 Most Powerful Women.

As a mentor and advocate, Isabel empowers women entrepreneurs through initiatives like the Lift As You Climb Movement and podcasts, guiding them from startup to maturity. Serving as Chief Encore Officer of The Encore Catalyst, she dedicates herself to coaching and educating emerging entrepreneurs. Her involvement in organizations like RenegadesReinventing.com and Femme on Fire underscores her commitment to leadership and business development.

Additionally, Isabel's advisory roles with government bodies and trade associations, such as Chair of the Canadian Association of Importers & Exporters, highlight her influence in shaping trade policies and fostering international relations.

Driven by her mantra, "Lift As You Climb," Isabel embodies the ethos of mutual growth and empowerment. With dual citizenship in Canada and the United States, she values her extensive family and embraces global connections through travel and professional engagements. Isabel Alexander's narrative serves as a beacon of inspiration, illustrating how visionary leadership and strategic advising can drive global entrepreneurship and economic independence forward.


The Encore Catalyst Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/TheEncoreCatalyst )


Chief Encore Officer, The Encore Catalyst (www.theencorecatalyst.com) – an accelerator for feminine wisdom, influence, and impact.


Author & Speaker ‘Who Am I Now? – Feminine Wisdom Unmasked Uncensored’ https://whoaminowbook.com/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/isabelannalexander/


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Welcome to the Lift As You Climb podcast.


If you're joining me again, this is our new season...


Season Number Three.


Not only do we have a new year, but we have a new format, that


I'm excited to share with you.


If this is the first time that you are joining us on this


podcast, I wanna explain what it means, and what our purpose is...


It's very well expressed, I think, in a quote by Robert Ingersol who


said, "We rise by lifting others."


When I embraced that idea, it just excited me so much that I always have the


possibility, the opportunity, in fact, even I believe the responsibility...


To continue to evolve myself, and to expand my capabilities


and expand my horizons.


Because as I grow and become the best version of me.


I have more to give back.


I have the ability to reach back, and give a hand up, to someone else who's climbing


up on the success ladder of their life.


That's the intent and the purpose behind the movement that I'm trying to build


called Lift As You Climb, and the message that we wanna convey that I hope inspires


you to do more lifting and climbing.


So without further ado, I should very much like to share.


what our new format is and what inspired this refinement of the


podcast, other than, you know, that I am continually driven to figure


out how to do something better.


In conversation with my peers, with clients and friends, and


also just observing, paying attention to the conversations


going on around me in the world.


I'm hearing an increasing sense of people saying, is this all there is to my life?


Do I matter?


Am I relevant?


What will people remember about me?


How they feel about me, when I'm gone?


if you're like me in this stage of figuring out Who I Am Now, and I

even wrote the book:

Who Am I Now?

even wrote the book:

I am constantly looking in the mirror to see really, you know, what is my

even wrote the book:

purpose and what am I doing here?

even wrote the book:

And the questions continue to flow about...

even wrote the book:

Well, "What's it all about Alfie?"

even wrote the book:

The song was made famous by Dionne Warwick, and it was also the theme

even wrote the book:

song of the movie of the same name.

even wrote the book:

There's a particular line in the song that brings it back to me.

And that is:

"Is it just for the moment that we live?"

And that is:

I don't think so.

And that is:

I think that we have the opportunity to live here now and influence,

And that is:

create the legacy that we leave.

And that is:

I love the fact that I can purposefully be present, think about what I desire,

And that is:

what I'm capable of, and how I can learn to create that legacy while I'm present,

And that is:

to experience it and enjoy it, rather than waiting for possibly someone to read my

And that is:

eulogy after I'm gone, perhaps or not, capture what I intended to do as the best

And that is:

person I could be here on this planet.

And that is:

Lift As You Climb began for me as a young teen, as a single mom, I was so

And that is:

fortunate to have good people around me who gave me a hand up, not a hand out.

And that is:

Which then led me to my current life, where...

And that is:

It's my joy, my cheerleading raison d'etre...

And that is:

To share what I've learned with others and lift them up...

And that is:

Help them build their own success ladders.

And that is:

Empowerment, Collaboration, Celebration...

And that is:

Those are my motivations.

And that is:

It is my passion to create the Lift As You Climb Foundation one day.

And that is:

So that I can help more young people step up those rungs on their own

And that is:

ladders and get up to a place where they are then also lifting others.

And that is:

That's been the purpose, the motivation behind this podcast is sharing my

And that is:

journey and sharing the journey of others as inspiration to you.

And that is:

In season 3, we're really going to focus on what is your passion and how

And that is:

does that translate to your purpose so that you too can make a difference and

And that is:

that you can continue to feel like you are growing, but also that your own

And that is:

growth is having an impact on others.

And that is:

I wanna talk about how we figure out the messages that we've been receiving

And that is:

from ourselves, perhaps sometimes not listening to that inner voice

And that is:

or perhaps suppressing it or saying, "Who am I to be able to do that?"

And that is:

"I don't have the resources."

And that is:

"I don't know where to begin."

And that is:

I want to share real examples of individuals who have been in your

And that is:

shoes, who had those doubts, who lacked the confidence in the beginning, but

And that is:

started climbing and started moving forward and created their legacies.

And that is:

If you've been looking at your life, looking in the mirror lately.

And that is:

You may be saying...

And that is:

If this is the next 30 years of my life...

And that is:

Is this enough?

And that is:

One of my guests asked herself that question, and from

And that is:

that moment of awareness...

And that is:

That AHA!

And that is:

Even as successful as she was by all the metrics...

And that is:

on what a successful life looked like...

And that is:

It wasn't enough for her.

And that is:

That there was a bigger reason for her existence, and her experience.

And that is:

I will share with you how she began, from just one individual decision,

And that is:

one connection with a little girl.

And that is:

She created a national organization, and Oprah had her on her

And that is:

program and interviewed her and created a groundswell effect.

And that is:

Now, you know that if Oprah pays attention, it's something significant.

And that is:

But when you hear how this concept began...

And that is:

This now accredited foundation, and the impact they've had on over

And that is:

seven and a half million children...

And that is:

You may, I hope, be inspired to see how it's the small idea, the

And that is:

spark of passion if acted on, of passion if acted on can grow.

And that is:

And I hope you are inspired to do that!

And that is:

I also know that there's a lot of questions.

And that is:

In fact, I've been wanting to create the Lift As You Climb Foundation and

And that is:

fulfill the vision that I have for that.

And that is:

But, I didn't know how to get started.

And that is:

That's what I hope to share with you by interviewing

And that is:

people who've already done it.

And that is:

To share with you the five steps for you to do so too.

And that is:

We're going to talk with our guests about their WHY...

And that is:

What was the motivation?

And that is:

What was the spark that got them started?

And that is:

The WHY is the motivation that kept them going with their vision.

And that is:

We will talk with them about WHO they needed to surround themselves with...

And that is:

To keep them motivated and to keep them moving forward...

And that is:

And how they gathered those people around them.

And that is:

I'm gonna ask them the questions about the WHERE that this began

And that is:

and where it's gotten to and where they found the resources and the

And that is:

connections to continue to build.

And that is:

We're gonna ask them very candid questions about WHEN is it the right time to start?

And that is:

When is it the right time to scale, and when is time to hand the reins

And that is:

over to someone else and step away from that passion project

And that is:

and perhaps start the next one.

And that is:

You're gonna find that a very, very fascinating interview with one of

And that is:

my guests, who for 20 years built a phenomenal charity and then reached a

And that is:

point where she felt she was called to go on and do something entirely different.

And that is:

And then the most important thing, of course, is always, HOW did they do it?

And that is:

Because it can look daunting, it can look overwhelming, it can look like,

And that is:

oh yes, well, they had the ability and the resources to do it, but I don't.

And that is:

So I wanna share with you by interviewing them, asking them the

And that is:

questions on how that they did it so that you too can create that plan,

And that is:

create your Visual Encore Plan.

And that is:

So if you're thinking, or you've allowed yourself occasionally to daydream about

And that is:

how to start a movement, like I did, how you can perhaps get started by supporting

And that is:

a charity or perhaps you wanna create your own, how you can elevate a cause,

And that is:

spread awareness, spread the message, increase participation in a cause that

And that is:

exists, how to establish a foundation, how to perhaps create a scholarship or

an endowment:

there are many, many ways that we can live and leave our legacy.

an endowment:

By interviewing varied guests of different ages and different experiences...

an endowment:

I hope to share with you the spark, the information to get started with yours.

an endowment:

So please stay tuned.

an endowment:

Subscribe to this podcast so that you don't miss any of the episodes.

an endowment:

Starting next week, I'm going to interview everyday people that shop

an endowment:

at the grocery store, that work in the office building next to yours, that

an endowment:

volunteer at a charity or fundraise...

an endowment:

That play with their grandchildren, that walk their dogs.

an endowment:

They're just like me and you, but they made a decision to get started.

an endowment:

They got started.

an endowment:

They listened to their heart and they took stock of their life experience,

an endowment:

their strengths, their talents, their resources, and they really took that

an endowment:

passion they had in themselves and found a way to create a purpose with

an endowment:

it, and that's what I hope that you will glean from these conversations.

an endowment:

I guarantee you, because I've already had multiple interviews,

an endowment:

they are fun, they are candid.

an endowment:

They're going to surprise you.

an endowment:

They're going to enlighten you.

an endowment:

They're going to inspire you.

an endowment:

You're going to know that even YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE and YOU CAN

an endowment:

GET STARTED in small incremental steps, and take that spark you have,

an endowment:

and fan it into a full on blaze!

an endowment:

I'm going to ask for your help to make this podcast as valuable as possible.

an endowment:

I would like for you to email me at Hello@TheEncoreCatalyst.com

an endowment:

2 things I'm going to ask your help with...




Refer people that you know that are already doing what I've said....


Have they started a charity?


Are they building a foundation?


Are they leading, directing, managing, a foundation?


A charity, an organization, that has far-reaching impact?


I wanna know about the people out there that have figured out how to turn their


lifetime of tacit knowledge and passion into lifting and climbing.


Send me recommendations of people that I can follow, learn about, and invite


to be a guest on a future episode.


I would love to hear your ideas about how you might do exactly


what my guests are doing and or perhaps you've already started and


you're on your beginning journey and you're struggling a bit with...




What's next?


Like I said, those five areas, the why, the who, the where, the when,


and the how of making it a reality.


If you have any doubt about your WHY, then I'm gonna suggest that one way you


might get started is by using one of my exercises called Write your Eulogy.


I know it sounds a little ominous.


Eulogy is something that's read when you're dead by someone who hopefully knows


some good things about you and wants to share some of the positive things that


you did while you were on this planet.


I'm suggesting that we should write our own eulogy.


Write it based on who we want to become, and...


What is the impact that we wanna have?




How do we want to be remembered.


This is a really great exercise.


I promise you...


It's very uplifting and I think it can help inspire you to


get started on your journey.

You can go to:

TheEncoreCatalyst.Com website and click on the resources tab

and scroll down to:

Write Your Eulogy

OR go to:

FreeGiftFromIsabel.com and again...

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Put your email in...

OR go to:

Get a free PDF...

OR go to:

And please do the work...

OR go to:

Tell me if you had any AHAs!...

OR go to:

Any big moments of revelation about...

OR go to:


OR go to:

I'm a pretty cool person, and I have a lot to offer in the world...

OR go to:

And I'm gonna get busy doing it!

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So for now, thank you so much for listening in and being part of

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this community and this movement, this groundswell that I hope we are

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creating, knowing that by doing the best that we can to rise and to lift

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ourselves up, we are able to do more and help more people up as well.

OR go to:

I'll see you next week here.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Seasoned Women Serious Business
Seasoned Women Serious Business
Wise Enough to Want More

About your host

Profile picture for Isabel Alexander

Isabel Alexander

Dynamic, self-made entrepreneur who overcame obstacles with an unrelenting positive nature, a farm girl work ethic and a conscious choice to thrive rather than survive, Isabel Alexander Banerjee cultivated an award winning, $10 million+ global chemical wholesale business and grew it from dining room table to international boardrooms.

Isabel’s strengths include the ability to initiate & nurture strategic relationships, a love of lifelong learning and talents for helping others maximize their potential. An inspiring speaker within both industry and community, she is a driving force behind those with the courage to follow her example of thriving against the odds.

With 50+ years of business experience across diverse industries, Isabel is respected as an advisor, a coach, a mentor and a role model. She believes in sharing collective wisdom and empowering others to economic independence.

Isabel Alexander
Your Next Business Strategist and Transformation Catalyst