Episode 50

Lift Like Angela Lansbury | LAYC50

At the time of her death, Dame Angela Lansbury was one of the last surviving cinema stars from the Golden Age of Hollywood.

Born in London, England in October 1925, she died October 11, 2022, in her Los Angles, California home, just 5 days before her ninety-seventh birthday.

Per Wikipedia: In 2013, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Board of Governors voted to bestow upon her an Honorary Academy Award for her lifetime achievements in the industry. . . .  and presented her with the Oscar, saying in part "Angela has been adding class, talent, beauty, and intelligence to the movies ever since" her film debut in 1944.

The Oscar statue is inscribed "To Angela Lansbury, an icon who has created some of cinema's most memorable characters inspiring generations of actors".

With more than seventy-five years of diverse and prolific roles on TV, stage, and screen, one of the most known to Baby Boomers, and one of my favorites, was her role as Jessica Fletcher in Murder, She Wrote. 

“I want women my age to be represented the way they are, which is vital, productive members of society.” ~ Angela Lansbury

How do you want to be remembered?

Ways to Be More Like Angela

  1. Have fun solving the mysteries of life.
  2. Understand being called a Dame has privileges and responsibilities.
  3. Figure out what makes your eyes sparkle. Do more of that!
  4. Age should not stop you from keeping on.
  5. Accept awards, praise, and compliments graciously.
  6. You are never too old to try a new role (or ride a bike!)
  7. If you accept a role, play it well until it’s time to move on.
  8. Know when it is time to move on and trust your knowing.
  9. Choose your cast and crew carefully. Let the ones go that don’t support you to shine.
  10. When you stand in the spotlight, you illuminate paths for others; that’s Lift As You Climb.

You still have time to decide how you want to be remembered after you die. 

Write your own eulogy as your life plan and live your legacy.


If you’d like a little more inspiration on how to live worth being remembered, check-up Episode 43 entitled Lift Like Betty White



Don’t leave your message or memory to chance, write your own eulogy and then get busy living it now!

Download Isabel’s contribution to your legacy at:


About the Host:

Isabel Alexander – Vitality Champion, Business

Strategist, and Transformation Catalyst

Dynamic, a self-made entrepreneur who overcame obstacles with an unrelenting positive nature, a farm girl work ethic, and a conscious choice to thrive rather than survive, Isabel Alexander cultivated an award-winning, $10 million+ global chemical business and grew it from dining room table to international boardrooms.


Isabel’s strengths include the ability to initiate and nurture strategic relationships, a love of lifelong learning, and talents for helping others maximize their potential. 


An inspiring speaker within both industry and community, she is a driving force behind those with the courage to follow her example of thriving against the odds.


With 50+ years of business experience across diverse industries, Isabel is respected as an advisor, a coach, a mentor, and a role model. She believes in sharing collective wisdom and empowering others to economic independence.


Chief Encore Officer, The Encore Catalyst (www.theencorecatalyst.com) – an accelerator for feminine wisdom, influence, and impact.


Founder of the Lift As You Climb Movement (www.facebook.com/groups/liftasyouclimbmovement)


Author & Speaker ‘Who Am I Now? – Feminine Wisdom Unmasked Uncensored’ (www.IsabelBanerjee.com)


LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/isabelalexanderbanerjee/


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Hello, I'm very glad to have you here today, to help me celebrate


the life of someone who has been an inspiration for millions of us...


As she entertained us, and showed us, that you could be in the spotlight and


still be a really great person, without the scandal, and the negative notoriety.


Give a 75 year span of uplifting, inspirational,


entertaining, thought-provoking content in various mediums...


Television, Broadway, musicals, and plays...




I'm referring to Dame Angela Lansbury, who took her last bow on this earthly stage,


just a few days before her 97th birthday.


It seems that this year, and certainly recently, we've lost a lot of


significant female role models...


Trailblazers with a long legacy of being part of our lives and


modeling for us, the ways to keep on reinventing, keep on giving value


in life and overcoming obstacles, and societal norms and pressures.


Now, the beginning of the year, 2022, was the funeral, the observation


of the death of Betty White, who passed away on December 31st...


Again, just days before a milestone birthday of 100.


I started off the year, with a tribute to Betty White, and that's episode number 43.


I put the link here in the show notes for you if you'd like to go


back and get acquainted with that.


Like that episode, today I wanna share my thoughts around how to


be more like Angela Lansbury...


In how I show up in the world...


Use some of her inspiration and examples, to provide me


more ways to Lift as I Climb...


And perhaps you have some thoughts around that too...


And I'd really love it if you shared with me, and the rest of our Lift as you Climb


podcast audience, your thoughts on how we learn from these incredible role models.


So you can share your ideas, your thoughts, in the Lift as you


Climb Movement Facebook group...


Or send me an email, and maybe I can share your thoughts on a future occasion.


We started 2022, with observing the passing of Betty White.


And then, this summer we also bid farewell to Olivia Newton John.


She was only 73 years old, but wow...


a legacy of a life that she left for us as well, in movies and music.


Fortunately, all of that has been preserved for us because of the internet


today, so we can always stay connected to her, and these other amazing women.


Then in September, Queen Elizabeth II passed, at the age of 96.


Again, volumes of things that we could say about her...


And so many have, that I won't take a lot of time on this episode to


talk about her, other than to say...


Whether you're a royal supporter or not, I admired that woman tremendously.


She was an example for me, a reference on how to behave under


pressure, under scrutiny...


As a leader, as a mother, as a grandmother, as a politician.


I really, truly thank her for the legacy that she has left us.


Not long after, another incredible role model, who demonstrated how to keep


reinventing and overcoming challenges in life, passed at the age of 90.


Loretta Lynn...


There's another life...


A tribute "Coal Miner's Daughter", will give you some of the flavor


for where she came from, and how far she took those roots.


And as a farm girl myself, I relate, on many levels to her early beginning.


So today, thinking of Angela's life, and how she left us a legacy of examples on


how to be more of the best of ourselves.


I made a list of 10 ways that, I thought, how she's really influenced me, and that


I'd wanna be more like Angela every day.

Number one:

Have fun solving the mysteries of life.

Number one:

Of course, you know, I'm thinking about Murder She Wrote, and how

Number one:

that has so many analogies, and examples for us in our lives.

Number two:

Being called a Dame has privileges and responsibilities.

Number two:

The word Dame didn't always have a positive connotation in my lifetime,

Number two:

but I'm saying she rocked it, and I'd like to be wearing the tiara, and

Number two:

being called the Dame too, proudly.

Number three:

Figure out what makes your eyes sparkle and do more of that.

Number three:

Just have to look at the beautiful eyes that sparkle of Angela's and know...

Number three:

She really had an inner glow, sparkle, and she'd figured out what to do more of.

Number three:

Age should not stop you from keeping on...

Number three:

I just love that she said she's never been particularly aware of her age.

Number three:

It's like being on a bicycle.

Number three:

You just keep putting one foot down, and keep going.

Number three:

I thought that was a great way to look at life.

Number three:

Keep moving, keep pushing on the one pedal at a time, and keep moving forward.

Number five:

Accept awards, praise and compliments, graciously.

Number five:

That is something that many of us need to practice, and develop a better muscle for.

Number five:

I think it's part of how we were brought up, that vanity was a sin, and

Number five:

we somehow confused that when someone wanted to tell us something positive

Number five:

about us, that we should believe them...

Number five:

That we should receive it as a sign to keep on doing more of what we're doing,

Number five:

because it's not only good for us...

Number five:

It's good for everyone around us.

Number six:

You're never too old to try a new role, or ride a bike.

Number six:

Absolutely, Angela Lansbury is an inspiration for reinventing,

Number six:

reinventing, reinventing.

Number seven:

If you accept a role, play it well, until it's time to move on.

Number eight:

Know when it's time to move on, and trust your knowing.

Number nine:

Choose your cast and crew carefully.

Number nine:

Let the ones go that don't support you to shine.

Number nine:

Although those are theatrical terms...

Number nine:

Cast and crew...

Number nine:

Really it applies to everyone around you in your life, who is supporting

Number nine:

you to shine as your best you.

Number nine:

Supporting you to grow into the person that can do the most

Number nine:

for others, the person that can Lift while they're climbing.

Number nine:

Not everybody belongs in our life, in each of our roles, and not

Number nine:

everyone is there to support us.

Number ten:

When you stand in the spotlight, you

Number ten:

illuminate paths for others.

Number ten:

That really is the definition of Lift As You Climb.

Number ten:

By doing well yourself, you can do good for others.

Number ten:

There are many ways that you can do that.

Number ten:

Thank you again, Angela Lansbury, for coming into our lives for leaving us

Number ten:

richer, more entertained, more inspired.

Number ten:

Thank you for the legacy that you have left, and we will continue to enjoy you,

Number ten:

and celebrate you, for a very long time.

Number ten:

When someone dies...

Number ten:

Whether there's a funeral service, or a celebration of life, or just a collection

Number ten:

of people together to talk about how that person impacted their life...

Number ten:

What influence they had...

Number ten:

We call that a eulogy, and generally, it's recounting positive things.

Number ten:

A reflection of how your life mattered, how you helped others...

Number ten:

What it is that you did, to leave the world a better place...

Number ten:

Because of your presence.

Number ten:

The eulogies have already been written for Betty White and Angela Lansbury.

Number ten:

But you still have time.

Number ten:

You have time to decide what you want people to say about you when you're gone.

Number ten:

You have time to write that script and live that legacy.

Number ten:

I'd like you to have the opportunity to reflect on...

Number ten:

How do you want to be remembered?

Number ten:

What you accomplished?

Number ten:

How your life mattered?

Number ten:

I would like to share with you, a tool that I created, called Live Your Eulogy.

Number ten:

It's free from me.

You can download it at:



You can download it at:


Feel comforted by the fact that you still do have time to decide

You can download it at:


what's really important to you.

You can download it at:


Who you want to make a difference for?...

You can download it at:


What are the things that you want people to say about you after your gone?...

You can download it at:


This is your opportunity to Lift As You Climb.

You can download it at:


Thank you again, for sharing this time.

You can download it at:


Please, if there's someone in your life that is impactful, has influenced

You can download it at:


you, has helped you to climb...

You can download it at:


Tell them now...

You can download it at:


In person.

You can download it at:


While they're present to hear it.

You can download it at:


Before I leave you today, I do have one more request.

You can download it at:


That request is directed to Angela Lansbury and Betty White.

You can download it at:


Somewhere out in that great big universe...

You can download it at:


I do hope that the two of you are celebrating each other, and the

You can download it at:


amazing lives that you have lived.

You can download it at:


I am deeply grateful for the role models that you both have

You can download it at:


been for women of my generation.

You can download it at:


You lived boldly and fiercely, and you've made us smile!

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Seasoned Women Serious Business
Seasoned Women Serious Business
Wise Enough to Want More

About your host

Profile picture for Isabel Alexander

Isabel Alexander

Dynamic, self-made entrepreneur who overcame obstacles with an unrelenting positive nature, a farm girl work ethic and a conscious choice to thrive rather than survive, Isabel Alexander Banerjee cultivated an award winning, $10 million+ global chemical wholesale business and grew it from dining room table to international boardrooms.

Isabel’s strengths include the ability to initiate & nurture strategic relationships, a love of lifelong learning and talents for helping others maximize their potential. An inspiring speaker within both industry and community, she is a driving force behind those with the courage to follow her example of thriving against the odds.

With 50+ years of business experience across diverse industries, Isabel is respected as an advisor, a coach, a mentor and a role model. She believes in sharing collective wisdom and empowering others to economic independence.

Isabel Alexander
Your Next Business Strategist and Transformation Catalyst